How do you say "to pay fees"?
I'm trying to figure out how to phrase "to pay fees" in a different language. I need to know the correct translation so I can use it in a sentence or a conversation.
How do you say welcome in a sentence?
Excuse me, I'm curious about something. Could you please enlighten me on how one might properly express a greeting of welcome within the context of a sentence? I'm looking for a way to make someone feel at ease and valued when they arrive or join a group. Would you kindly offer an example or two?
How do you say Buda?
Excuse me, could you please clarify for me how one would properly pronounce the word "Buda"? I've heard a few variations and I'm curious about the correct way to say it. Is it pronounced with a long "u" sound, like "boo-da," or is it shorter, more like "bud-da"? Also, do you know if there's a specific accent or regional dialect that affects how "Buda" is pronounced? I'd appreciate any insight you can offer. Thank you in advance.
How do you say one in Poland?
I'm curious, how would you express the number "one" in the Polish language? Is there a specific word or phrase used that might differ from what's commonly used in English? I'm eager to learn more about the linguistic nuances of different cultures and languages, especially when it comes to something as fundamental as counting. Can you enlighten me on this aspect of Polish vocabulary?